Over 70% of Canadians are concerned about a potential Canada recession in the upcoming year. With many experts predicting an economic downturn in 2023, it’s more important than ever to learn how to prepare for a recession and protect your finances. 

In this article, we’ll explore the signs pointing to a recession, what you can do to safeguard your money, and how to navigate the job market during tough economic times. 

What Causes an Economic Recession? 

A recession occurs when a country’s economy experiences a period of negative growth for at least two consecutive quarters. Various factors can contribute to a recession, including high levels of inflation, decreased consumer and business spending, and reduced global trade. 

External events such as geopolitical tensions, natural disasters, or pandemics can also disrupt economic activity and lead to a recession. In some cases, a combination of these factors may result in a slowdown, making it crucial for individuals to understand how to prepare for a recession and protect their financial well-being. 

How Long Do Recessions Last? 

Recessions can vary in length, but they usually last for about six months to two years. It’s important to be prepared for a recession and know how to protect your finances during this time. 

Why Experts Believe a Canadian Recession Is Imminent 

There are several signs that Canada might face a recession in 2023. One of these signs is the rising inflation rate. When prices for goods and services go up, people have less money to spend, leading to a slow economy. 

Another sign is the increasing unemployment rate. When more people lose their jobs, they have less money to spend, which can also slow down the economy. This makes it harder for businesses to make a profit, and they might cut back on hiring or even let more workers go. 

Consumer confidence is another important indicator. If people are worried about the economy, they may hold off on making big purchases, like a car or a house. This can lead to even slower economic growth. 

Finally, we can look at the housing market. If the housing market is slowing down, with fewer people buying and selling homes, it can be a sign that people are worried about their financial future. 

Global Economic Factors Influencing Canada’s Economy 

There are also global factors that can influence a recession in Canada. Trade relations with the United States and other major economies play a big part in our economy. If other countries are struggling, it can affect Canada’s economy as well. 

Geopolitical tensions and conflicts around the world can also lead to economic problems. When countries are at odds, it can make it harder to trade with each other, which can hurt the economy. 

The global pandemic has also had a big impact on Canada’s economy. Many businesses have closed or had to cut back on their operations, which has led to job losses and slower economic growth. 

How to Protect Your Finances During a Recession 

To prepare for a recession, the first thing you should do is take a close look at your money. You can start by making a budget, which will help you see where your money is going and how much you have left over to save. 

Next, you should focus on paying off any debt you have. When you have less debt, it’s easier to handle financial challenges that might come up during a recession. 

Finally, review your investments and make any needed changes. It’s a good idea to have a mix of different kinds of investments, so that if one area is struggling, you still have other investments that might be doing better. 

Building an Emergency Fund 

Having an emergency fund is very important when preparing for a recession. This is money you have saved up that you can use if you lose your job or have an unexpected expense. 

You should aim to have at least three to six months’ worth of living expenses saved up in your emergency fund. This will give you a safety net to fall back on if you need it. 

When you’re building your emergency fund, it’s best to keep the money in a place where you can easily access it, like a savings account at a bank. 

Making Smart Investment Choices 

During a recession, it’s important to make smart choices with your investments. One way to do this is by diversifying your portfolio, which means having a mix of different kinds of investments. 

You might also want to invest in industries that tend to do well during a recession, like healthcare or consumer goods. These businesses often keep making money even when the economy is struggling. 

Another option is to consider safe investments like bonds or gold. These can help protect your money during a recession. 

Getting Ready for the Job Market in a Recession 

A great way to protect yourself in a recession is to make sure your skills are up to date. When you have good skills, you have a better chance of finding a job or keeping your job when times are tough. 

Think about taking classes or getting certificates in your job area. This will help you learn new things and be better at your job. Networking is another good idea because it can help you find out about job openings and meet new people who can help you in your career. 

In a recession, you might lose your job. To get ready for this, look at your job contract and learn what your rights are as a worker. This will help you know what will happen if you lose your job. 

Also, learn about government help programs, like Employment Insurance (EI). This program can give you money if you lose your job. 

You might want to think about part-time or freelance work, too. This can help you make money if you lose your job. 

Plan for Financial Success Amid Uncertainty 

In the face of a potential Canada recession, taking action now to protect your finances and prepare for uncertain times is crucial. By following the advice in this article, you’ll be better equipped to weather any economic storm. 

If you have any questions or need more guidance on recession prep, take a look at the MyMarble community. We’re here to help you secure your financial future, no matter what challenges lie ahead.